Friday, January 10, 2014

A recipe for the weather

My Queenie has had the driest skin for as long as she has been on Earth. I got tired of using the prescribed cream on her dry skin which unfortunately had turned to eczema. I found myself going into stores all over the city some commercial some health food stores. Although I was able to find a cream that sounded promising I kept running into the same two problems.

1. Who can afford this stuff?!?!?!
2.The ingredients, the ingredients who is using this stuff on their skin?!?!?!?!?

Not my Queenie, so I went to the books. What is the purpose of receiving a holistic education and you can not heal those around you. After going over various herbs, flowers and cross referencing I settled on a couple.

I wanted this to be the first recipe I shared

1.Coconut Oil
2.Olive Oil

I first put the olive and coconut oil in the pot on a very low temperature. Once the oils have melted and I have stirred them together I drop lavender and calendula inside. I do not use the essential oils though, I use the actually dried flowers. I like having bits of my extras in my mixes makes them seem more natural too me... I don't know ;)

I then scope some Aloe out and allow it to mix and boil slowly together. After sometime maybe 5-8mins I place a cover on the pot and allow the mix to marinate. Once I have checked the mixture and it has not boiled over I pour it into a container and place in a window, the freezer or the fridge.

Because this oil is for a for a 5year it is better solid to prevent any spills.

I hope you enjoy. Add what you want to make it your own. Allow your creative juices to flow.


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